Friday, November 19, 2010

When Life Kicks You In The Nuts

People often say that when it rains it pours, but I think they forgot to add the part where the tornado and the tsunami come in too to make one big mess. The real world is a big and scary place that has you experience either the highest of highs or the shittiest of lows with little room in between. This is SO not how it was supposed to work out. Things were supposed to be great and everything runs smoothly; yeah you'll have your trials but there will be a happy ending.

Boy how wrong was I?

When you're growing up it seems as though you imagine the life you want and never think of what will happen if things don't go that way. Then all of a sudden, life hits you and things start to get a little grim. All of the big plans you had for yourself and agenda's you set to seek out start shifting to the side in an effort just to get by.

Classic case of a dream deffered...

I like to title this 'When Life Kicks You in the Nuts' because if you have ever experienced such a pleasure they are sort of comparable. As one that has been hit in the nuts many times I can definitely say that the pain encountered in both situations leave you in a certain place. A place that can only be described as when devastation kicks in. At that particular moment you're on the floor (both physically and metaphorically in their respecitve places) asking where did I go wrong and why did I make this decision? Your kind of in a place where you feel like you'll never get past this pain and all hope is lost for any kind of recovery.

But then the pain starts to subside and you can start seeing straight again. You get to a point where you can get back on your feet and brush off all the hurt. At that point it seems like what you just experiened really wasn't as bad as when you initially got hit in your metaphorical 'nuts'.

All of this is to say that anguish and hard times are only temporary, and getting hit in the nuts (metaphorically and physically) really sucks but the pain will pass. So when your going through life and get a swift kick to the jewels, remember to breathe and readjust your groin to deal with the pain. Walking it off always makes everything better.

Until next time folks '...Keep calm and carry on'

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