Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Recently I made a decision to be happy. And you know what the funny thing is about choosing to be happy, usually involves an exorcism some sort. Whether it be mentally, physically, or even taking someone out of your life, all are necessary in releasing the toxins from your soul.

So I’ve decided to detox…

Not your typical sort of detox but the type of ‘detox’which involves rearranging and possibly eliminate some people in your life that are blocking you on your road to happy. Detoxing people is never an easy process seeing as how these people are the ones you never want to let go. These people, in a way, become connected to (good or bad) in such a way that making a move without them almost seems implausible. It’s kind of like they weigh you down with all of their negative energy and impose terrible thoughts and feelings that leave you feeling horrible about yourself. But the very essence of their being becomes something you become so accustomed to that you become dependent on them and that feeling. After a while, whether you know it or not, they have a major influence on the way you live your life.

Which is why a decision to extract these people from your life is not only important, but necessary for you to be happy in your life. I’ve had many an occasion where I became so entranced with the decisions and actions other ‘influential’ people in my life have had that it threw me WAY off track. These people had made my progression stagnant and impaired me socially from reaching my ultimate potential.

So as a conscious decision to start making a better me, I decided to let these people go. What good are they if they only make you transgress instead of helping you to progress? And I encourage all of you to spiritually detox all of the toxic people in your life and make a conscious decision to be happy.  I’m sure you’ll feel 5 pounds lighter in the morning.

Until next time folks ‘…Keep calm and carry on’

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pity Parties

If there is one thing I CANNOT stand it is someone who constantly feels sorry for themselves.

There is simply not enough time in the day for people to be sorry for themselves ALL the time. It's one thing to have moments of weakness because we all have them. But to let that self wallowing carry on into your everyday life I can not condone. After a while it's time for you to be proactive about what has gone wrong in your life and make a change for the better.

We as people need to understand that all the time that we invest into a situation causes for said situation to exist. The more time you invest into putting a negative situation means the more that situation has power over you. Much like when you respond to a hater, acknowledging and letting a problem you are having get to you means that the situation has won you over. If you simply address the problem head on and get over it you most of the time will feel better. Besides, no one really cares about how sorry you feel for yourself, so why should you?

Invest your time into looking at things in a more positive space. If you don't like something change it! If you think something is wrong in the space it's in move it! The moral to this story is that you have the power and control to create and destroy your own destiny. Don't just complain about how something is affecting you, be a agent for change proactive in how the situation affects you. And make sure there isn't any room in your life for a pity party, because I'm sure no one will want to go.

Until next time folks '...Keep calm and carry on'

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Awwww aka 'All Hope Is Lost'

There's always a special moment in the beginning of the 'getting to know you' process that always feels so genuine and pure. You talking over drinks, walking in the park, or (insert scenario here) and everything is going smoothly until they say the one thing that ruins any hope of further conversation. It's the one thing you never want to hear uttered your way while giving your best game to said person and trying to 'woo' a date.

The dreaded 'Awww...'

That's right. Those four seemingly harmless letters hold so much weight and say exactly how you feel about so many things in how that person feels about you. You have to understand the gravity that an 'awww' holds to really get where I'm coming from. Once an 'awww' is uttered you have no chance to be with this person.

The condescension that an 'awww' entails speaks volumes in how this person views you. You are automatically put in the friend zone, and have no chance for reentry into the sweepstakes of this person's heart after said 'awww'. None. So you're better off just making the best of this moment and planning for your next potential date work.

The trick to figuring out if this particular 'awww' is the one of rejection or if it a genuine one is all in the motion that go with said 'awww'. If there is a smile included with a hair flip and a gentle giggle afterward then that 'awww' is harmless. But if there is a head tilt with a soft 'awww' and a look away motion; you're officially boned and you have now entered 'friend zone'. Just keep in mind the signs of the condescending 'awww' and the power it entails. It might save you some time in trying to figure out if that relationship is worth investing in. Don't say I never told you anything ;)

Until next time folks '....Keep calm and carry on'

Your Circle: A Love Story

There's a saying that goes 'the people around you are a direct reflection of who you are, so choose your friends wisely'


It wasn't until recently that I had noticed how true that this saying was. Everyday we choose to associate ourselves with people we can relate to on a level that most other people can't. These people usually 'get' us and have the same feelings about most of the same topics as we do. But there are always some qualities in some of our friends that we really don't agree with. For example, you could be really reserved in everything that you do while you're friend may be candid and outrageous in every aspect of their lives. Not a major problem but there can be times when these contrasts in character can see problems arise.

I am an avid believer in going hard for the one's who love you the most but the reality of things is who you hang around says many things about you. You would want to surround yourself around people who want to uplift, motivate, and push you to do better.

This is especially true when the perception of how your close friends are looked at affects YOU. It's shallow to say but hey it's the truth. Many times that job promotion, a date determining whether they can deal with you or not, and even your public perception depends on how you interact with the ones who are closest to you. The ideal answer to this dilemma would be 'If they can't accept my friends, then they can't accept me and I don't need them' but we don't live in an ideal world. Who you hang around is a great deal of importance to those who are essential in helping you progress in life.

I feel it's important to always surround yourself with people who are the best reflection of you. You're true friends will always showcase you in the best light and have your best interest in mind. I don't mean only in the shallow ways such as appearance, money, and status; I'm talking about being there for you when you need them the most and most importantly being able to adapt to any situation without embarrassing you. So keep that circle tight and sucka free.

Until next time folks '....Keep calm and carry on'

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I have a problem...

Everything has to be in alignment at all times for things to be in order in my life. I always liken my problem as being similar to a crooked picture on display. I always find myself trying to adjust it to where its at the right angle of being picturesque. I work for hours and hours on end to try and align every edge to being at the most perfect angle. All of that only to find that the perfect alignment is always off balance slightly. I always end up frustrated and never really getting it right so I give up.

This same philosophy of how I view things in life is probably the reason why I can't maintain a relationship. I have this steadfast idea of what the perfect person to be in a relationship will be like and when that person doesn't come like how I want it, I try and 'tweak' them. You know just adjust them a little bit to be the type of person I want them to be. I mean that's only right, right? Right? Wrong...

The problem with that is people aren't inanimate objects that can be shaped and molded to your specifications because you don't agree with how they were built. Who a person is and how they operate is something you can either choose to accept or walk away from because that is just who they are. Trying to change a person's 'picture' to fit your frame is not only unfair but it also says many things about who YOU are. That person can't help but be who they are and to try and change their image will only cause them to be untrue to themselves; which is never a good thing. Besides, most of the time trying to change someone only changes you in the grand scheme of things.

I know I have a problem with 'adjusting pictures' in my life and I'm sure there are other people who go through the same thing, but remember we're all perfect imperfections. Leave it off kilter sometimes and try not to adjust it; you might end up really liking that angle.

Until next time '...Keep calm and carry on'

New Year, New You?

The glitter's gone, the hangover's been cured and we're all back to work as usual. The new year is here and with it comes a fresh start, a new outlook on the upcoming year and you finally making that 'resolution to be a new you' happen.  But as we all know 95% of New Years plans fail epically in attempt to try and be a different version of ourselves. I've always been curious as to why most people fail to attain their goal of being a different version of themselves and then it hit me all of a sudden. Maybe instead of trying to be a different version of ourselves we should try be a better version of ourselves.

Think about it, if every year your trying to be someone different than what you actually are how will you find out what is best version of the real you. Don't get me wrong I'm all for discovering different facets of your personality and embarking upon them, but its important not to lose sight of who you really are in the process. Embarking upon many different walks and journeys in life is the criteria of what truly living life is about, but its more important to keep a strong foundation with your sense of self while traveling.

It's always important to remember to expound upon your great qualities while trying to create new traits for your character. You have most of the tools that you need to get to where you ultimately want to be in your life, just unleash all of the potential you already have before venturing for new facets of your life.

So here's to the New Year!!! New Year, BETTER you ;)

Until next time folks '...Keep calm and carry on'