Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I Hate This Part

I think the only thing that irritates me more than failure, is being wrong.

I don't know if it's the whole notion of not being able to say 'I told you so' or just the not right-ness of the whole thing, but it really irritates my soul. But alas, I have to come to the realization that I will not be right in every scenario. I think I'm getting better at admitting that I'm wrong at some things but a part of me still dies every time I have to do so. Is this what growing pains are all about, because if they are then check me out now.

Even though I hate admitting that I'm wrong or even considering that I'm wrong in certain things, I still find ways to make myself right in the situation. That's my Aquarian nature, we will find a way for our voice to be heard and a way for us to be right in any scenario ;)I know, I know it's terrible but hey that's apart of my charm, and you'll grow to love it right? Right =/


I swear this is the hardest thing to do sometimes, but people are right when they say admitting you're wrong really helps you grow. In any situation you won't be right 100 percent of the time and I'm starting to realize that this may be a good thing.

Admitting your inadequacies and even the mere that you're wrong says a lot about you. It encourages growth and allows you to see things through a different spectrum. So as much as it pains me to say this, 'My name is Kyle and i'm not always right'. That wasn't so bad =)

Until next time folks '...Keep calm and carry on'

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