Thursday, November 4, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

Have you ever stopped to consider how much you would invest into someone to be in a relationship?

I mean really, you go through all of these emotions and feelings to try and be with someone for what? For a hypothetical ‘game’ being played to see who will admit to liking the other first? For a whole bunch of strain and self evaluation of whether or not it’s even worth it in the end? So many questions but not enough answers…
When can you truly know when you've gotten to a point where you feel like all your struggles and sacrifices to be in this relationship are working out in your favor? Is there a set moment when you can truly realize if this is the best situation for you? I've been racking my mind lately on what the ultimate cost-benefit analysis of a potential relationship is.
I don’t know what works for you, but as far as I’m concerned there is a cost benefit analysis that must be done and put into further review before a decision of an acquisition of a relationship can be made. It just has to be done!!! In my opinion, you HAVE to weigh pro’s and con’s of every situation a potential mate is giving you personality/psychologically/financial wise to protect your heart. This is important because the beginning of a courting process is where you can figure out what you are and aren’t willing to put up with from said person. Not to mention gauging how much crazy this person potentially has, because we’re all a little loco in the grand scheme of things. But I digress…
The purpose of the relationship cost-benefit analysis is to see how much you would be profiting from the time you’re investing into someone based off of the emotional output they are giving you. If it’s not a mutual give and take in terms of communication and general respect, then it’s a shaky investment to put your emotional stock in and you should probably fall back. But if you are seeing a generous return on your investment, then it might be time to buy into this relationship. 
I understand not everyone’s standards for a great return on investment in a relationship cost benefit analysis are the same but just make sure there is a standard. And make sure you stand by it, because if you just accept any offer that put on the table then you stock will plummet greatly.
Know your worth and invest wisely in your romantic endeavors.
Until next time folks ‘…Keep calm and carry on’


  1. Love this post.. preach on!

  2. thank u baby cakes...btw ur blog is awesome!!! Imma be like you one day lol
