Friday, November 5, 2010

Wearing Your Mother's Heels

Have you ever had something that you secretly wanted to do or carry out but you know if ANYBODY found out you would die a silent death? I think we all do, but it’s these secret fetishes that we all have that give us the ultimate rush in life and the fact that it’s our little secret makes it that much more fun. I like to think of this like the phase when some young boys wear their mother’s heels. You know that one thing we all want to do, just to see what it feels like to be something other than what we are supposed to be like.
It’s my personal belief that all people, regardless of whatever lifestyle you live, have a secret obsession that you don’t want to admit you do to the world. It’s like a personal voyage into a world that isn’t meant to be known by everyone else. And in most cases it’s absolutely necessary to keep your sanity.
We spend so much time conforming to society and fitting into the ideals of what others think we should be doing that we loose sight of what we ultimately want to do to make us happy. Whether it be for your personal life, in business, in a relationship, anything it’s important to keep your sense of self. Yeah you may have some quirks and things about you that may not be seen as ‘acceptable’ to many, but fuck ‘em. That’s right fuck ‘em. You’re equivalent of ‘stepping in your mother’s heels’ is what makes you, YOU.  And as we should all know by now, I am the biggest advocate of doing whatever makes you happy.
So live your life for you, and do that freaky thing you do. Put your mother’s heels on, but just make sure they’re the right size for you.
Until Next Time folks ‘…Keep Calm and Carry On’

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