Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ain't No Feeling Like Being Free

It's the best feeling in the world!!! Just to know that you are able to live and feel the way you want to. The feeling of being liberated from prejudice, from an abusive relationship, from any hardship that is holding you back. I mean truly being free...but do you really know what it means to be free?

Being free means loving and embracing yourself enough to know that you deserve better than the situation your in. Being free means having the strength to say what's truly on your heart because you know it's coming from a place that's pure with the best intentions. Being free means having the courage to walk out on a situation that's not good for you with nothing but your self respect. Being free isn't just a state of being, its a state of mind. Once your realize your free, there's nothing that can hold you back.

It's like taking the weight and burden of a 100 men off of your shoulders and finding your own way. So whatever may be troubling you, getting in your way or holding you back from truly being free, let it go. Being free usually involves making a sacrifice, but everything worth having usually does. So count up the cost of freedom and see if it's something you can afford. But just know its a solid investment in your future happiness fund.

Let's get free ya'll....

Until next time folks '...Keep calm and carry on'

1 comment:

  1. Freedom almost always involves paying the ultimate price. Ironic.
