Thursday, July 5, 2012

Moving Out Of Your Own Way

Ya know, sometimes you just gotta tell yourself to shut the fuck up.

In all seriousness, I have a daily conversation with myself to shut up and not feel like I know everything because I really don't. If I knew everything then I'd be exactly where I want to be in life but sadly I'm not. And although that's an on going process and i'll get there eventually, I have to remember to humble myself and remember there is always something more to learn. Also that its important to remember there is always something bigger and greater than the purpose that you can imagine because something grander is waiting in the wings. The problem that I, much like many others have, is that we don't know how to get out of our own way and see the bigger picture of what we can really accomplish in life if we let things be.

In my case particularly, I often times feel the need to address all issues that come my way by myself and drown out all criticism; good, bad, or indifferent. Which only hurts me because all that I am doing in the process is blocking my own blessing. It just feels like sometimes in moments of adversity and times of change I can only see the goal and not necessarily appreciate the process of getting to where I need to be. Oft blinding myself from anything that doesn't coincide or agree with what I feel to be true. Boy is that stagnating...

It's important to have focus and direction in what you want to do in life but to completely base all of your experiences off of your own biases is detrimental to your personal growth and development. So with that being said it is oh so necessary to side step out of your own way sometimes and receive the messages that are coming your way. Being receptive to constructive criticism will allow you to broaden your spectrum of understanding not to mention your perspective of your purpose. Sometimes certain message are delivered to us at certain times when we are ready to receive them because they are like check points to see if our purpose we are trying to attain is the right one for us.

What I've come to realize is that when these messages are thrown your way; embrace them with cautious optimism and self reflection. Any questions of your direction that cause you question your purpose aren't always negativity but may be tests to see if your faith in said direction is the right one for you. Remember it takes a lifetime to build a dream and a moment to destroy it; just give your self the chance to hear every message loud and clear.

Until next time folks "...Keep Calm and Carry On"

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