Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Make Me Learn It

You ever want something so bad, that you can taste it? I mean you want it so bad that you can feel it with every fiber of your being and won't rest until you have it in your possession? I think we all experience this moment at least once in our lives and the crazy thing is that most of what we want is attainable. But the question is how much are you willing to work hard for and sacrifice for what you really want? Oh you're willing to do whatever it takes? Well then I have one phrase for you...

Make me learn it!

That's right make me learn it. If you are so dedicated to your craft, your vision, hell even your reputation, make me or whoever you are trying to convince that your are 'the shit' and about your business. Go above and beyond simply wanting to do great things but actually DO them and do them well. Make whatever your passion is your lifestyle; live, breath, and create your own world around you. So much to the point where it consumes your everyday life and all you can express is how much you want whatever you're going after. It is absolutely necessary to do so because when that moment comes where you have to prove yourself, you will be overly prepared and ready for anything. Those moments often reveal one's character and prove how much someone is really willing to sacrifice to get what they really want.

These moments in life are like a series of tests being thrown at you just to see what you're made of. They always reveal who's really in it to win it and who just wants the glory without the hard work.They never tell you when or why these moments are going to happen, but they happen every so often just to make sure you can handle what you're asking for.  So which category do you fall under? Oh so you say you're willing to put in the work? Well, what are you waiting for?

Make us learn you....

Until next time '...Keep calm and carry on'

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