Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stanning For Yourself

Sometimes I get down on myself...

Everyday I struggle to have some sort of belief system in my capabilities and if I'm able to accomplish certain things. Deep down in my soul I know I have limitless potential to do great things because I have in the past, but most of the time I never laud my accomplishments. And I feel right now that this is the time where that needs to coming to a crashing halt. It's time I start stanning for myself....

I get the term 'stan' from the popular song by Eminem, talking about how someone obsessively praises someone else to the point where it became insane. The amount of time and dedication that 'stan' spent on that other particular person went into overdrive and they started believing in that preson and their reality more than their own. Which led me to thinking what would happen if I started 'stanning' for me and what i want to do?

I spend a considerable amount of time promoting and pushing other people's products and personal dreams that I sometimes forget to push myself to do great things. Or even worse, I downgrade what I have done to promote what others have done. But all that is going to change; today I am taking a stand to start pushing myself and what I'm doing to promote MYSELF.

I don't personally believe there is anything wrong with a little shameless self promotion. As a matter of fact I whole heartedly encourage it. Just think about it, who else is going to as hard for something you believe in other than yourself? That's right, NOBODY!!! So why not promote and market yourself in the best light on your own accords?

Of course there will be doubters and nay-sayers who want to derail you of what you truly want to do into something more conventional, but all of that must be alluded to maintain your ultimate goal. If you have a vision you must have tunnel vision and keep your eyes on the prize, but most importantly you have to believe in whatever you're pushing with your whole heart and energy.

 So I came up with a little mantra that I go by and maybe it can help you as well:
"The belief in myself is always going to be greater than the doubt anyone has for me"

Now get to stanning for yourself and I'll see you at the top =)

Until next time folks '...Keep calm and carry on'

1 comment:

  1. At this very moment I needed to hear this. I think it was the slight push I needed to put me over the edge to put my dreams as my foremost concern in 2011. Thank You!
