Here's the scenario...
You've been talking to someone for a long period of time. Things are going great, you enjoy them and they enjoy you. You all go out on dates, seen together in public with your friends, and even may have been intimate a time or 12. Then one day it all have the dreaded 'talk'. And we all know how it starts, 'I want to ask you something? Where is this going?' Suddenly things start getting 'real' and the dynamics of everything change drastically. You go from casually seeing each other to making what you have something that can be defined as a 'relationship'.
(Cue evil music) Duhn duh duh!!!
I don't mean this to sound derogatory, but why does it seem putting a title on something so carefree when dealing with other people always change things for the worst? I think we can all agree that there are a different set of rules for pre and post-title statuses. It feels like everything before that point where things become solidified is the part that's cake. Nothing's too stressful, you seem to genuinely enjoy each other and there's just no parameters on the opportunities that you two can have because there is nothing holding you back.
Once a title is placed on whatever you have with another person, there is a shift in the dynamics of the relationship. Most of the time it's because of the sense of entitlement that comes with the term 'boyfriend/ girlfriend'. Post title rules are like the physical manifestation of what a relationship should be as opposed to the care-free fantasy of what dating is.
Don't get me confused in thinking that I believe there is something wrong with monogamy; in fact I feel its beautiful. Taking that step to be committed to one person is very positive and very healthy, but the fact of the matter is the establishment of any title (husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc) does change things, as well as your perception of one another considerably. So before you chose to pursue or not pursue a potential relationship, consider the power of the title you are putting on it. It could change your life.
Until next time folks '...Keep calm and carry on'
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