Tuesday, September 28, 2010

If That's What Helps You Sleep At Night

Chances are you are a terrible person. Just admit it yourself you've done or said some things that were so terrible that you can't stand to look yourself in the mirror. I'm not judging I'm just saying, we all do terrible things sometimes but the extent some people go to to rationalize their terrible actions is mind boggling. It seems as though people will concoct any story to justify their terrible actions to make themselves 'not look like the bad guy' in the situation and play the victim.

I found myself doing this on a few occasions doing some terrible things to people and in certain situations. I found every imaginable way to justify my actions being right when they were clearly wrong. I don't know if it was just to make myself feel better about what I've done or to justify my actions but it made me feel better afterward. It was always a certain comfort I felt living in that denial of being terrible in the moment. And besides 'my story was different' and 'no one understood why I did that' or 'they probably deserved it anyway'.

Every excuse in the book to make myself look like I wasn't in the wrong and they brought this on themselves, that is the American way right? Ultimately, all of the delusions and justifications that we convince ourselves are right when they're actually wrong catch up to us when that little thing called a conscious kicks in. Because at the end of the day, right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of what justification of whatever action we choose to accept as the truth. I think the best policy you should adhere to when encountering this scenario is to remember to treat others how you expect to be treated and always be aware of the consequences that may come with each decision. You're not always going to do what's right because not everyone is perfect, but just pick the best solution to where you can stand to look at yourself in the morning and not feel bad about it.

Until next time folks '...Keep calm and carry on'

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