Monday, September 27, 2010

Being Good vs. Being Great

(Sorry for the delay folks I kinda had a life to live =) But I come back more refreshed and more relaxed and ready to share with the world my thoughts.)

I will never forget the day one of my dear friends, Sakita (follow her on twitter: @MissSuccess; she is truly an inspiration) asked me when describing my future plans 'What do I want to be?' I asked her in what regard was she referring to, and she caught me off guard with the question. She asked, 'In whatever you want to do how do you see yourself as doing it? Do you want to be good at something or do you want to be great?' I really had to think about that because up to that point I had been settling on being 'good' at everything I do. She went on to explain that the way she does things everything has to be 'great' at it. With a name like "Miss Success" you have to be, she has accomplished many amazing feats in her life at the tender age of 23 and I'm truly in awe of her tenacity and spirit. As I sat back and reflected my life and where I wanted to go/what I wanted to do with my life, I really had to evaluate what I was truly striving to be in regards of being 'good' or being 'great'.

Oftentimes in life we have a decision to choose a path that will get us to where we want to be and what will get us by. Most of the time we choose the latter because being 'adequate' is good enough for us in the circumstances we're in. Not saying being 'good' is a bad thing but it isn't necessarily admirable either. Good is like the C+ of life, it's enough to get you by but not enough to be excellent at whatever you do. With a 'good' mentality, just getting by is acceptable. You never rock the boat or even the casba with a 'good' approach to anything. Corny analogies aside, having a 'good' mindset versus a 'great' mindset are world's apart.

I have come to realize that to be truly 'great' you will fail many times before you finally succeed and the reward will be 10 times better. Having a 'great' mindset means going against the grain and not always doing what's popular for the sake of your impending vision. Being 'great' usually coincides with being 'crazy' also because you are trying to make the impossible possible. People will criticize, critique, and even try to tear down what you're doing because it's unfamiliar territory but once it all comes together they will see the light.

To be truly 'great' you have to be a visionary and a leader in whatever realm you choose. Being great means staying that extra hour to get 'it' done. Being great means going that much harder in the gym to get that jump shot all the way right. Being great means taking a chance to be happy. Being great means pushing yourself that extra mile for something you love doing because you genuinely want to do it as opposed to doing it for money. Being truly great means sacrifice. No one has been truly successful without sacrificing much of what they were given for the sake of their vision.

One of my favorite sayings that I have made my daily mantra is 'Do not believe in your sight, but believe in your vision. For your 'sight' shows you what there is and your 'vision' shows you what shall be.' With this mindset and a strong sense of determination, 'great' is always able to be achieved. Now all you have to do is go get it.

Let's be great people!!

Until next folks '...Keep calm and carry on'

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