Thursday, October 18, 2012


This one goes out to all the people who need a little push. (myself included)


It's as simple as that. Get. Over.It.

Right now your heart is in one place and your head is another. Right now you're questioning whether or not they even care. Think about that for a second...

You're questioning whether or not the person you think so highly of even cares. That's some shit aint it? How you can think so highly of someone that makes you light up everytime someone mentions their name, can't even muster up enough energy to show you that they care? After all the feelings you've shared and after all the moments you've had that this person will never ever feel the same way you do? Damn, that sucks....

But as bad as you may feel about your feelings of admiration not being reciprocated and as in your feelings as you may be you have to get up and get over it. You can't keep holding on to someone or something that doesnt want to be held. You have to let go for your own sake and own peace of mind.

If you have to be tough on yourself to do so, then by all means do it. You have to keep it real with yourself to prevent yourself from looking stupid. Keep in mind there comes a point in all this when it stops looking like you care and you start looking pressed; which is never a good look.

You have to keep in mind that at some point you have to forget how you feel and remember what you deserve. One hundered percent of the time its not hanging onto that persons every whim hoping that they'll come around to feeling the same way you do. Because by the time they realize what they have it will turn into what they had. Remember you deserve better but never forget to love hard always especially for yourself.

That is all.

Until next time folks...

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