For me, the scariest place to be is in my head.
There are many things going on in there that most of the time I choose to avoid because it would make shit real. Having idle time to dwell on your thoughts and emotions is often a scary place to be because most of the time we inherently know if we address the issue it won't be the result that we want to see happen. I know on numerous occasions I have avoided certain topics and feelings because I know what I want and what is real isn't always going to add up. So I push my REAL feelings to the side and go on believing what I want to believe because that eases my mind.
As I've grown older, the comfort of these delusions have started to wear on me and don't appease me as easily as it once did. It took a moment of damn near losing my sanity to make me realize that most of the time to get true comfort you must address the uncomfortable. And to do that I had to journey through that scary place in my mind and be all up in my feelings. I think we are all conditioned to believe that having feelings and emotions makes us weak to the outside world, but I feel that being devoid of emotions makes you inherently weaker. I was reminded recently by one of my dearest friends that having emotions makes us humans and to feel all of the joys and pains that come with being human make us beautiful. There's a beauty in human vulnerability because it makes us feel helpless but at the same time allows us to be free and our most open emotionally.
By denying yourself of emotion and guarding what you truly feel for feel of being hurt you are inadvertently saying to the world I'm not brave enough to own my feelings without any reservation. Having the courage to address your emotions and what's really bothering you is a quality that has become a valuable asset in my journey of life because it has allowed me to be free and be human. There are times when your feelings will get the best of you and it will bring you down into a place where you don't want to be, and there's nothing wrong with that. FEEL WHAT YOU FEEL!! The important part in that process is that "It's ok to be in 'a place' but don't stay in that place". You have to have a greater understanding that you will be alright with time but you have to allow yourself time to truly get to the root of what your issue is and when you figure that out you will fully bloom.
Until next time folks, "...Keep Calm and Carry On"
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