There's a saying that goes 'the people around you are a direct reflection of who you are, so choose your friends wisely'
It wasn't until recently that I had noticed how true that this saying was. Everyday we choose to associate ourselves with people we can relate to on a level that most other people can't. These people usually 'get' us and have the same feelings about most of the same topics as we do. But there are always some qualities in some of our friends that we really don't agree with. For example, you could be really reserved in everything that you do while you're friend may be candid and outrageous in every aspect of their lives. Not a major problem but there can be times when these contrasts in character can see problems arise.
I am an avid believer in going hard for the one's who love you the most but the reality of things is who you hang around says many things about you. You would want to surround yourself around people who want to uplift, motivate, and push you to do better.
This is especially true when the perception of how your close friends are looked at affects YOU. It's shallow to say but hey it's the truth. Many times that job promotion, a date determining whether they can deal with you or not, and even your public perception depends on how you interact with the ones who are closest to you. The ideal answer to this dilemma would be 'If they can't accept my friends, then they can't accept me and I don't need them' but we don't live in an ideal world. Who you hang around is a great deal of importance to those who are essential in helping you progress in life.
I feel it's important to always surround yourself with people who are the best reflection of you. You're true friends will always showcase you in the best light and have your best interest in mind. I don't mean only in the shallow ways such as appearance, money, and status; I'm talking about being there for you when you need them the most and most importantly being able to adapt to any situation without embarrassing you. So keep that circle tight and sucka free.
Until next time folks '....Keep calm and carry on'
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