I'm a in a bit of dilemma...
I usually hate holiday themed posts because they always come off as contrived and corny, but dammit if I don't love em for the same reason. Thanksgiving is no different, but this year in particular the holiday spirit is hitting me extra hard. I don't think there's been a time in my life that I have been more thankful to be in the position I am in doing the things I love with the people I care about the most. I truly appreciate everything that I have gone through this year to become the person that I am today.
There's an old saying that, 'To whom much is given, much is tested' and lord knows I have been tested this year. And if I had a chance to do it all over again I wouldn't change a thing.
This year, I have gone through family issues, personal issues, and many questions of my faith only to come out stronger and more determined to be great while helping the people around me. I now truly know that through God's grace and the love of the people who care for us dearly that the only person that can stop any of us, is ourselves.
So I would just like say to all of my family, please hold the relationships we have with each other closely. At the end of the day, we are all we have in the end when friends let us down and when life gets too tough. Continue to learn, grow, laugh, and treasure all of the memories that you can. But most importantly to tell the ones that you love you love them while they are still here because you never know what may happen and tomorrow is never promised.
To all of my friends, be thankful and appreciate every precious moment you may encounter because those priceless moments are irreplaceable gifts. For those are the moments that make life so special, not how much you can buy.
So before I become to long winded, I would like to say that I am thankful for family, friends, and the precious moments in life that allow sappy holiday posts such as this one possible. To God be the glory and LETS GET TO EATING!!!
Until next time folks '...Keep calm and carry on'
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