So something just happened...
It's really big and its a really juicy piece of info that if it got out I could be looked at in a completely different way by everybody. I just HAVE to tell my friends about this!!! But wait, it's a little too embarrassing for anyone to know about. UGH!!!! I feel so bad for not wanting to tell them because they are my friends, and I know they'll be there for me regardless of whatever I do. But I can't STAND to hear the 'I told you so' and the sound of disappointment in their voice. How long should I wait to tell them?
You ever been in that situation? Where you have something really private and maybe a little embarrassing/disappointing happen that you don't want people to know about and can't share with anyone? Not even your closest friends because you kind of want to wish it to just go away? Yeah me too. Recently I was talking with one of my closest friends about how long is too long for time to go by to not tell your closest friends any piece of information that they might need to be up on. And from that conversation we came up with a '2 week rule', that says if you let any piece of information that is imperative go past 2 weeks and don't tell anyone about it, especially your best friends, then that's shady. I mean your best friends should love and accept you through any situation but does EVERY piece of information need to be shared?
To begin with, I think it's a fair rule to go with but I also find some flaws in that theory.There are certain circumstances that you feel shouldn't be discussed at all with anyone (relationships, family issues, etc.) because they are sacred to you and you still do need your own personal thoughts and opinions. But for the stuff that's for the greater good of the relationship at hand with your friends I feel there should be no boundaries. Things of critical importance need to be shared asap and without hesitation. Because if you don't think to tell your friends how you feel about certain events in a timely manor then (IMO) you really don't think that much of them.
Your friends are a reflection of yourself in some way, shape, or form. And since they stand for different facets of your personality, sometimes it's vital for them to give you different opinions and viewpoints of some situations. Withholding information from them isn't the worst thing in the world but it speaks volumes on how much you trust them to handle certain things in a certain way.
So let's jut say you've gotten to the point where you've past the 2 weeks without telling your friend the information, now what? Well if you have good friends they will probably be over you but understand where you're coming from and still have your best intentions at heart regardless of what it is. So whether or not you agree with the '2 week rule' have enough faith in your real friends to know that they will be there for you through thick and thin, and share the information you need to tell. But don't make it too long...cuz that's shady ;)
Until next time folks '....Keep calm and carry on'
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